Just thought it was time to say "Hello" to everyone out there and to let you know that we are thriving!
Had a wonderful Christmas in Nuneaton with John's family and am now spending New Year with Bill Fenner from Columbus and Barry and Sheila from Lancaster (England).

It wasn't anywhere near as bad as this picture looked ... here is another scene taken on the same day.
The snow has all melted now and it's back in the 40s (around 8 or 9C). Today we did a 6 mile walk and climbed one of the local "mountains" - Caer Caradoc. It was beautiful and sunny and we had stunning views from the top. When I got home I collapsed in a heap and Bill is making dinner. Thank God I have lots of friends who can cook!!!!!
Will write more when all the company has gone home! E-mail me when you can: mailto:joanarnfield@gmail.com