Hi there folks! I'm a screech owl. I live at the Ohio Wildlife Center. John and Joan visited me there along with Julie Breeding. Their friend, Darlene Sillick, is one of the volunteers who looks after me. She feeds us, takes us on walks and spritzes us with a mist of cold water. I like that, it's like a rain-shower - she'll even "do" my armpits if I raise my wings!!!!!
Here are a few more pictures from that visit. This is me on Julie's hand. I had my mouth open because I was hissing at her. Don't know why, really - she's a very nice lady! Now, here's Darlene showing John a Red Tailed Hawk. That bird could eat me for a snack!
And here's Blossum the Possum. Some people don't like possums. I think it's the scaly tail, but they're really quite sweet and VERY good mothers.