Here we are at the Studio Restaurant in Church Stretton enjoying a meal and celebrating the one-year anniversary of my last radiation treatment. This was last Saturday, and as usual the food was wonderful and the atmosphere warm and relaxing. We're very lucky to have such a good restaurant in our little town.

The garden is turning into a jungle - last week was warm and sunny, now we've had a couple of days of rain and everything is growing like the clappers! And of course, the weeds are growing fastest.

I'm not sure if we're going to win the battle against the ground elder (Bishop's weed) - when it first comes up it looks like a sweet little ground cover, but now it's starting to smother things and it's spreading like mad! John has his patch to weed and I have mine, but we're loosing ground, I think.

Right now the garden looks rather nice from a distance. It's very green as the trees and shrubs start to leaf out and there's a haze of blue from all the forget-me-nots. The heathers are fading and the daffs are pretty well gone, but the azaleas are just starting out and the rhododendrons aren't far behind. I'll be posting pictures of those later on.

In the meantime I wanted to share this sequence of photos which sums up canine bliss, I think.
These pictures were taken on a walk with Dave (our neighbour and Ella's master).

Yesterday it was sunny and warm and we took another walk up the hill you can see in the pictures from my study. Here are some photos from that walk.

I did try to take some pictures of our house from over the other side of the valley, but though I could see the house with my binoculars, I couldn't actually see it in my viewfinder and I must've pointed the camera wrong! When I came to look at the photos on the computer, I realised that I'd missed it completely. Sorry about that!