Happy New Year, Everyone!
Since we returned to the UK we've spent every Christmas in Nuneaton with John's sister, Joy, and her family. As usual, we set off for Nuneaton on Christmas eve; this time we were leaving frozen pipes, a dodgy central heating system and a leaking dishwasher! For the first time, though, we stayed with Betty, (Joy's mother-in-law) who lives around the corner. This change being necessitated by the arrival of Oscar (Joy's grandchild), his parents and a car full of baby accoutrements.
The snowman on the right is Mr. Pickles, now sadly departed! Our nephew, Nick, built him, but by the time we arrived, he had become a shadow of his former self. As you can see, his carroty nose is shrivelled and dark, his chestnut buttons and eyes have sunk into his flesh and he must have been suffering from osteoporosis - he'd lost several inches in height in a matter of days!
Here are a couple of pictures of Nick, Sam and Oscar as they opened Oscar's presents. Nick is the one with the Tea Cosy on his head (note there's a Santa hat under that!). Sam's the lovely motherly one, and Oscar is the one who hasn't a clue what all the fuss is about!
It was a smashing dinner with a starter of smoked salmon, followed by a multibird roast (goose, stuffed with chicken, stuffed with pheasant, stuffed with sausage stuffing) from Shropshire and all the trimmings. Amazingly, we all found room for a small portion of rich chocolate torte for dessert! That's John F. carving the roast!
For our U.S. friends; you need to understand about the wearing of hats at Christmas. Although you can see that we wear Santa Hats and Tea Cosies, the more usual hat is the paper one as found in Christmas crackers. In the first picture you can see that Joy has just pulled her cracker and is now inspecting the contents. There is always a hat, a really stupid joke (called a motto for some unfathomable reason) and a toy. Everyone puts on their hat, reads out their joke (accompanied by groans from the assembled multitude) and tries to work out why they got the dumb toy.
This year the toys included a pencil sharpener, a plastic thingy with holes in that you could use to draw simple shapes, a springy hair clip, a set of cards printed like dominos, a spinning top (that was the best because it really worked) and a giant paper clip!
On Boxing Day we did it all again. Eating lots more food, baby sitting for Oscar while his parents had a well-deserved night off (they went out with friends, and wisely chose to spend the night with Sam's parents), putting away a fair amount of wine and watching lots of really dozey stuff on telly.
We did take a walk on Boxing Day. It was very cold, but still and partly sunny and we enjoyed exploring the woods at Hartshill Hayes. Here's a picture of John A., with Joy and her husband John F. The funniest sight of the walk was seeing a grown man get into a big plastic bag, convince his dog to sit on top of him and then set off to slide down the hill. The dog jumped off at first opportunity and then there was lots of yelling and laughter as the man lost control and rolled and slid helplessly into the next field! We don't see much snow around here, you know.
Thankfully, the snow has melted now. The traffic chaos is at an end. Burst pipes are slowly being mended and we've just tipped over from 2010 to 2011.