Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Inspired by what we learned at the badger watch on Saturday night we laid a trail of peanuts across the back garden, crossing the badger trail and leading to a cache of peanuts near the patio. We weren't sure if it would work because of the patio and lawn lights , but we thought our local badgers would be used to such things since they share the environment with humans.

Yesterday the badger turned up at 10:45 as we were watching the telly. He didn't seem too bothered to be close to the house, although I'm pretty sure he/she didn't see us.

Today I mounted a watch upstairs in my room. I spotted him as he followed the trail from the far lawn through to the one near the house. It was 10:45 again and he was right on time!

John came upstairs to watch with me as he came right up to the bird feeder area where the main pile of nuts was. He then hung around eating for some time. Long enough, in fact, for me to get my camera and attempt to get some photos. The originals were almost completely black, but with the miracle of computer technology I was able to enhance the image enough for you to see that it really is a badger.

The rest of the photos were taken earlier today as I wandered around the garden marvelling at all the wonderful things that are appearing now. These are some of the small miracles - they're primulas.